A Long History of Success
Our firm’s bankruptcy practice extends to representing debtors, creditors, trustees and other parties in bankruptcy proceedings in New York, New Jersey, Delaware and nationwide. Our bankruptcy lawyers have extensive experience in Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 proceedings as well as restructurings, workouts, and related transactions and litigation. We handle matters on behalf of debtors, secured creditors, unsecured creditors, committees and trustees in complex cases across the Country.
Bankruptcy is a unique area of law, and bankruptcy filings present opportunities for debtors and creditors alike. With our firm’s cross-disciplinary approach, we are able to combine our bankruptcy lawyers’ decades of practice experience with that of our attorneys in other departments to offer our clients innovative, out-of-the-box solutions that do not necessarily fit the traditional mold. We explore legal, financial and business solutions that are capable of achieving our clients’ objectives, and we help our clients make strategic decisions that address their immediate concerns while also establishing a strong foundation for future business dealings and financial transactions.
New York and New Jersey Bankruptcy Lawyers with Decades of Experience
If you have questions about the benefits and risks of filing for bankruptcy, if one of your debtors has filed under Chapter 7 or Chapter 11, or if you need sound legal advice for any other bankruptcy-related matter, we encourage you to get in touch. To speak with an attorney in Cullen and Dykman’s nationally-recognized Bankruptcy department, please contact us today.