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Brian J. Donnelly to Speak for the Claims and Litigation Management Alliance in a CLE Program

May 19, 2022

Brian J. Donnelly, a partner in the Firm’s General Liability, Tort and Insurance Defense Department, will be speaking live for the Claims and Litigation Management Alliance in a CLE program entitled: "Anchors Aweigh! The Anchoring Effect at Trial and in Negotiation". The program will take place virtually on Thursday, June 2, 2022, at 12:00 PM EST. 

To Register: Click Here

Program Description: 

For a ship at sea, an anchor serves the purpose of keeping the ship in place so that it does not drift too far from the anchor. With a properly set anchor, the ship simply rotates around the anchor according to the wind and the current but does not stray further than the length of the anchor line.

So why all of this talk about ship anchors? Well, anchoring is also a psychological tactic often used at trial and in settlement negotiations. It’s best to start with an example:

You go to the car dealer to lease a new car. Often the salesman will say to you “how much are you looking to pay per month“ or “how much are you paying per month on your present lease“. If you respond to either of those questions, you are setting an anchor in the negotiations. In other words, the salesman will treat that number as a baseline of what you are willing to pay and work up from there.

This is what anchoring it’s all about!

For CLM’s credit bearing webinars, CLM will report the CE and/or CLE credits for its CLM members/fellows upon satisfactory completion of the webinar. Join CLM prior to this webinar to receive your CE/CLE for completing it.

About Cullen and Dykman’s General Liability, Tort and Insurance Defense Department

Our litigation attorneys represent individuals and corporations in general liability, tort and insurance defense matters ranging from personal injury and insurance coverage disputes to large-scale commercial litigation. Clients frequently engage our litigators to act as trial counsel in high-exposure cases, and we have extensive experience in appellate litigation involving liability and insurance matters.

About Cullen and Dykman

Cullen and Dykman ( has been providing legal services to institutional clients since 1850. The firm represents a wide range of clients, including banks and other financial institutions, energy, telecommunications and water companies, construction companies, insurers, educational institutions, religious organizations, and not-for-profits. With over 190 attorneys in seven offices located throughout the Northeast and Mid Atlantic regions, Cullen and Dykman is strategically positioned to meet the changing needs and demands of our clients.

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